Home dentures free you from visiting a dentist's office for casting, fitting, and other procedures involved in creating custom dentures. The dentures are mailed to your address and you get to participate in their fabrication with a bit of professional help. Here's an overview of the differences between at home dentures and conventional dentures provided by dentists:

What Are Home Dentures?

At home dentures offer a convenient way to replace missing teeth without going to the dentist. Instead of scheduling a dental appointment, you use a dentist's directions to aid the fabrication of your custom dentures. To achieve this, you order a free impression kit from a home denture provider and use it to make impressions of your teeth. The kit features step-by-step instructions to help you make the impressions. You can also get free expert help to make accurate impressions like a licensed dentist would. 

After making the impressions, you mail the kit back to the provider for review. If the impressions are accurate, the provider plans out the fabrication of your custom denture. The fabrication is completed under the direction of a licensed dentist, so you'll get the same quality as brick-and-mortar dental clinics. After fabrication, the provider sends a trial fitting and provides free adjustments if needed. If the trial fits without issues, the provider proceeds to craft your high-end dentures. The vendor then ships the final dentures discretely to your mailing address. 

What Are Dentist-provided Dentures?

Conventional dentures follow the traditional denture process involving multiple trips to the dentist. The traditional process starts with the first trip where your dentist will make molds of your teeth and jaw. If the dentist doesn't have an in-house lab, the molds are sent to a third-party lab for casting. The cast molds are then sent back to the dentist in time for your second trip, which involves custom fitting. If the initial dentures don't fit or have issues, they're sent back to the lab for alterations, or new molds are created.

After a successful custom fitting, the dentures are sent to the lab once more for the last refinement. You'll then have the final fitting and delivery. Conventional dentures require more time to fabricate and deliver because each step involves a visit to the dentist. The dentures also require scheduling appointments with the dentist's office, which can be complicated for those with busy schedules. 

How Do the Two Differ?

Home dentures and dentures provided by dentists have no difference in terms of materials used and final quality. The difference lies in the steps involved in fabricating your custom dentures. Traditional dentures provided by dentists require at least three visits to the dentist for impressions, trial fitting, and final fitting. Home dentures don't involve any trips to the dentist because everything is mailed back and forth between you and the provider.

Traditional denture phases are also almost exclusively handled by the dentist. Home dentures provide a kit you can work with to make impressions. The trial fitting and final fitting are also done remotely, at your convenience. Dentures provided by dentists may take longer to fabricate because of the scheduling and trips required. They also cost more than home dentures because the professional spends more time with you, handling all the steps. Home dentures are ideal if you're not ready to visit a dentist or need dentures more urgently.

Order at Home Dentures Today

Get at home dentures if you want to completely skip the dental visit without compromising the quality of your custom dentures. You can order a kit, make impressions, send it back, and receive your high-end custom dentures within a couple of weeks. Contact a legitimate provider to order your custom or partial at home dentures today.